Sunday, 17 February 2013

Operation Clean Up / Sook Ching Operation (18 February 1942 to 4 March 1942)

Every week weekend, my father has to report to Japanese YMCA building. He told me this is part of the Sook Ching Operation. This operation carried out by Japanese is targeted on Chinese community like us. 

 According to my father, Sook Ching aimed to identify and eliminate suspected anti-Japanese elements among the Chinese community. All Chinese men between 18 and 50 years old were told to report at certain centres such as the YMCA building at Stamford Road and the Central Police Station at South Bridge Road. Some of them were ‘examined’ by the Japanese . At some centres, informers wearing hoods or masks would simply point out certain people as anti-Japanese elements.

The lucky ones who were not identified were given a small piece of paper, with the Chinese word ’Examined’ rubber-stamped on them. Like my father, he got the “examined” stamped and allowed to go home.

 For those who were identified as anti-Japanese, heard some rumors, they were taken in lorries to Changi and other beaches on the east coast and killed by the Japanese.
the old YMCA building at Stamford Road(1955).A new building was later built at the some premises and was opened in 1984.
The Sook Ching Centre site memorial stands at Hong Lim Complex in Chinatown.

1. Curriculum Planning & Development Division MOE, Singapore. (2012). Singapore From Settlement To Nation Pre-1819 To 1971 (2nd Edition). Singapore. Marshall Cavendish Education.


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